Excellent cafe for sale in Vilnius

  • City: Amirabad
  • State: Tehran


The favorable location of the cafe provides great popularity among residents and a steady income. Rent is minimal. The cafe has a strong image, its trademark, all the necessary equipment and furniture. It is possible to increase the service area due to the use of additional spaces. Monthly turnover - 4.000-5.000 €. Profit ~ 1000 € per month. It is possible to increase profits up to 1500-2000 € per month. In addition, there is a real possibility of monthly additional income for the organization of various events. Buying a business meets the requirements for obtaining a residence permit under the law "On the legal status of foreign citizens." Specialists of our project will help to issue documents of a residence permit in Europe for buyers, partners and their families. Contact us convenient for you and we will offer the best option for you. Respectively Yours, Vladimir vladimir@euromig.com WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram: +37 06 418 36 25 www.EUROMIG.com Vilnius, Lithuania EUROMIG project group