Obtain passports, ID cards, work permits, IELTS, TOEFL

  • Price : IRR3500
  • City: Hormozgan
  • State: Hormozgan


Obtain passports, ID cards, work permits, IELTS, TOEFL, GRE and others  Thinking of buying a citizenship or second passport? We assist clients with immigration, citizenship, residency and second passports obtained through citizenship-by-investment program (CIP) and Immigrant Investor Programs (IIP) in Europe, Australia ,North America and Caribbean. WE can also help you to get valid Work permits,Driver's license , ID cards, second passport and Visas from European countries, USA, Canada and Australia. Do you want 7.5 and above band score? Do you need Registered IELTS exam questions and answers? Do you want any registered IELTS ,PTE,TOEFL,GRE, GMAT SAT certificate without sitting for exams? we are here to assist you accomplished your educational goals or future job carrier both home and abroad. For more details on our services, call or email us on the above details. So if you have been struggling to clear PTE, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, GRE And other immigration documents. Little or no effort put to study We also give DEGREE, MBA, DIPLOMAS and any certificate from any country email us back at. for more information.